We are pleased to announce that as of July 1, 2024, all district employees have access to the Educators’ Employee Assistance Program -- or EAP, for short.
This free benefit offers you and your family a wide variety of tools and services to help with problems that might affect your daily life at work or at home. It also includes training and other resources for your personal growth and development. Watch the video to find out more.
Watch the Video!

Or, click here to view a flyer that highlights the services and benefits available through the EAP.
Here’s a sampling of issues that Educators’ EAP addresses:
Marriage & Family ▪ Stress ▪ Legal Problems ▪ Debt ▪ Childcare ▪ Elder Care ▪ Grief
Pet Problems ▪ Education Planning ▪ Scholarships ▪ Depression ▪ Anxiety ▪ Taxes ▪ Wills ▪
Smoking Cessation ▪ Wellness ▪ Adoption ▪ Substance Misuse ▪ Mental Health ▪ Divorce
Educators’ EAP also offers thousands of personal and professional development opportunities, from webinars and online trainings to one-on-one telephonic coaching in the following areas:
Certified Financial Coaching ▪ Home Purchasing ▪ Resilience ▪ Effective Communication ▪
Balancing Life at Work & Home ▪ Student Debt ▪ Relaxation Coaching for Beginners ▪
Workplace Conflict ▪ Practical Aspects of Retirement ▪ Succeeding as a Supervisor
In addition, the Lifestyle Savings Benefit includes a menu of discounts, rewards and perks on thousands of products and services that you purchase every day.
There are many more benefits, so we encourage you to explore them and share them with your household. To access your EAP, simply call the toll-free number 1-800-252-4555 to talk with a counselor or coach. You can also visit your EAP online at www.EducatorsEAP.com for thousands of problem-solving resources and self-help tools.
Your EAP is a free benefit and your confidentiality is assured. Nothing about your use of the EAP is shared with your employer unless you sign a release of information authorizing this. If you need help of any kind, we encourage you to take advantage of this no-cost, confidential benefit.
Educators’ EAP is here for you and your family members!