At the Oct. 23 Board of Education meeting, Hicksville Superintendent of Schools Dr. Ted Fulton highlighted board members for their continued dedication and commitment to the district and community in honor of School Board Recognition Week.
Student representatives Victoria DeTiberus, Riley Goldthwaite, Lay Patel, Shivam Prajapati, Victoria Sanchez, Lia Tashchyan and Olivia Zeiders from each of the district’s seven elementary schools presented each member with a certificate and gift of appreciation.
Middle school students Aadil Haider and Kimaya Ghanekar and high school students John Ryan Chaplin and Alyssa Gargereach wrapped up the evening with kind words and acknowledgments to the board. They each expressed their heartfelt appreciation and sincere thanks for their work on behalf of Hicksville Public Schools students.

(L-R) Hicksville Board of Education President Annette Beiner, Lee Avenue fourth grader Lav Patel and Lee Avenue Principal Christopher Uccellini.

(L-R) Hicksville Board of Education Vice President Sunita Manjrekar hugging Fork Lane second grader Olivia Zeiders with Fork Lane Principal Susan Guiliano nearby.

Hicksville students attended the Oct. 23 Board of Education meeting and presented gifts of appreciation to board members for School Board Recognition Week.