
PowerSchool Data Breach

PowerSchool Data Breach

January 8, 2025 - Superintendents Message to the Community
January 14, 2025 - Second Message About PowerSchool

On January 8, 2025, we wrote to inform you about a recent data security breach involving PowerSchool, the District’s Student Information System. Since that time, more information has become available and the Hicksville Schools have taken necessary action as detailed in our Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity plans.

Hicksville was one of the first Long Island school districts that made this information available to our community. We take pride in providing you with the transparency that these types of situations require. While we hope that these situations never occur, our plans for a response start with informing you as soon as we know.

  • We filed the required disclosure of a data breach to the New York State Department of Education. Additional filings will likely be required due to the number of school districts affected in New York State.

  • We continue to gather information from PowerSchool, NYSED, Nassau BOCES as well as other regional groups.

  • We have contacted the district's Cyber-Insurance provider to initiate a claim should that be necessary.

  • We are in regular contact with legal counsel to ensure that we have the most up to date information.

The Hicksville Public Schools does NOT collect, store or otherwise use social security numbers (SSN) in the PowerSchool system.

Data Potentially Exposed: PowerSchool has provided the district with the following information that can be found on their website at https://www.powerschool.com/security/sis-incident/assigned school, email address, TEACH ID number,

Hicksville Is Prepared: The Hicksville Technology Department has established plans and procedures to address cyber incidents, including informing the Hicksville community. We are committed to transparency and will continue to share information as it becomes available. We want to assure you that we are prepared.

Our Commitment to Data Security: Working with experts: We are working closely with Nassau BOCES and PowerSchool to address this situation. We anticipate more information from both organizations and will continue to share that with you.

Protecting your child's information: In partnership with Nassau BOCES, we have a Data Privacy Agreement (DPA) with PowerSchool that mandates the protection of student data.

Staying Informed: We will continue to provide updates as we learn more.

Change your password: As a precaution for parents, we will be initiating required password resets for the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Student PowerSchool and Google passwords will be reset as well. You may also initiate a password reset for the PowerSchool.

Stay vigilant: Be mindful of any suspicious emails or activity related to your PowerSchool account.

We understand this news may be concerning. Please know that we are committed to protecting the privacy and security of our students' information. We will continue to keep you informed and provide updates as they become available.