Dear Parents and Students,
The HICKSVILLE ATHLETIC BOOSTER CLUB (HABC) is comprised of parents, coaches, and community members. Our club’s purpose is to support and celebrate our teams, students, athletes, coaches and athletic programs in both the Middle and High School. We also strive to promote community spirit.
We are a self-funded organization that raises funds in a variety of ways; examples include selling refreshments at home games and selling spirit apparel at open houses. Our biggest fundraiser of the year is at our school’s annual Homecoming event where our volunteers assist in selling spirit apparel and gear, food, and snacks. 100% of our profits go directly to our students athletes.
Annually, the HABC hosts an end of year dinner for all senior athletes where we distribute scholarships to HABC senior student athlete members. These scholarships are made possible by your continued support and contributions.
The HABC meets monthly at 7 pm at the High School in the Teacher’s Cafeteria as marked on the district calendar.
Please consider becoming a member of the HABC each year and more importantly becoming an active member by attending our monthly meetings and helping at our events.
Individual Membership is $10.00; Family Membership is $20.00
Checks made payable to 'HABC' or pay via Venmo @Hicksville-AthleticBoosterCl
Cash payments are not accepted. If paying by check, payments should be submitted to the HABC mailbox in the Main Office of the High School.
We hope you come out and be a part of the HABC. Thank you for your continued support. Please take an opportunity to look through the links associated with the Booster Club for further information.
Please download the Membership Form found on the Membership Link below or complete the Google Form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdkcKyenFuf9KtG3mxJB1aEk2gBLJFH74ixeICv2lSVTLh_2g/viewform?usp=sf_link
HABC can be reached via email at Hicksvilleathleticboosterclub@gmail.com

President – Shannon Mane
Vice President – Erica Mathis
Recording Secretary – Laura Kaval
Corresponding Secretary – Kim Villatoro
Treasurer – Stacey Lagnese