It is required that each student athlete submit a sports physical, medical questionnaire and parental consent form in order to participate in interscholastic athletics. The forms can be obtained in the Athletic Office or the main office or online. All completed forms must be handed into the Nurse's office. Students must use the District Medical/Physical forms only! Sports Medicals may be administered by your doctor or by the District Physician:
Dr. Karl Friedman
Physicals are provided free of charge prior to each season at the school nurses office.
Dates will be posted and announced.
*The Sports Physical is valid for one full year.
In addition to the medical, it is the student's responsibility to pick up a parental consent form. This form must be completed no fewer than five days prior to involvement in a sport.
Participation in an activity or sport is one part of a student's educational program. Students must be present in school in order to practice or compete. Any student missing school for medical reasons, religious observations or other legal reasons may participate only if the absence is substantiated by a signed note from the parent. Students who do not attend practices the day prior to a contest will be held out of the event. In addition, on days when students are scheduled for physical education, they must dress appropriately and participate in this class in order to be eligible for practice or games that afternoon. Illegal absences from any class on the day of a contest will result in a student's ineligibility from games or contests on that weekday or weekend.
The school encourages parents to share in their child's education by attending games and providing positive, constructive support. The athletic staff welcomes the opportunity to talk with parents who have questions. Discussions on the fields are not recommended. Please contact the coach and make an appointment to meet privately.
Responsibility, dedication, commitment, sacrifice, and team pride are all necessary ingredients for a successful season. Athletes are expected to attend all scheduled practice sessions and contests. This is extremely important for the development of individual as well as team skills. If there are extenuating circumstances regarding the need to be absent, the athlete must discuss this with his or her coach. Students and parents must understand specific seasons do run through vacations. Students will and are expected to attend practices over vacations. Students who do not attend practices the day prior to a contest will be held out of the event. If students miss a practice(s) other days, the coach(s) have the discretion to keep a player out for the next game(s).
Please be aware that Hicksville's athletic schedules follow Nassau County Section VIII and the NYSPHSAA scheduling regulations. Seasons will run through the holiday recesses, so athletes should be available for practices and games during the vacations.
The athletic department provides equipment and uniforms at the start of each season. The student is responsible for the care and return of all issued equipment and uniforms. The school requires payment for missing articles, and no further equipment will be issued for future seasons until outstanding equipment is paid for.
Members of each athletic team are given athletic lockers to store their belongings. Each student is encouraged to make sure that the locker is kept secure at all times and the combination is not shared with anyone else. The school and the district will not be responsible for lost or stolen items.
must be reported to the coach, athletic trainer or the athletic office immediately for the processing of insurance forms. A student missing five consecutive school days or five consecutive days of athletic participation due to injury or illness must receive written permission from their family physician before returning to active participation.
Athletes are transported to and from away games by Hicksville buses. Parents may not transport their children to or from games, nor can licensed student/athletes drive themselves to athletic contests.
Hicksville athletics is governed by regulations established by the New York State Public High School Athletic Association and Section VIII Athletics. Each individual team is governed by its established regulations concerning daily attendance at practices and the minimum number of practices necessary before being eligible for competition. The coach will inform the athlete of these regulations.
Students who are academically ineligible are required to attend an in-house tutorial program in order to be able to stay on a team. Progress and attendance will be monitored by the coach and administration.
Student/athletes who successfully complete the season will be eligible for recognition/awards. Athletes may review the criteria with their coaches. A student must be in attendance for all games and contests throughout the season to earn a Varsity Letter. A student who misses more than 5 days of practice or a game (unexcused absences) will not have the opportunity to earn a Varsity Letter.
An Interscholastic athletic program is an extension of a sound educational program. Being involved in athletics will offer students the opportunity to experience teamwork, sportsmanship, competition, fitness, hard work, pride, loyalty and leadership. It is hoped that all students in our athletic program will experience the advantages and opportunities that are inherent in sports participation. Students are expected to attend all practices and athletic contests. Failure to do so may result in removal from the team.
TO EMPHASIZE the proper ideals of sporting behavior, ethical conduct and fair play
TO STRESS the values derived from playing the game fairly
TO ENCOURAGE teamwork, leadership, and good judgment
TO SHOW courtesy to visiting teams, officials, and spectators
TO DEMONSTRATE self-control and mutual respect at all times
TO ACCEPT winning with grace and losing with dignity
TO RECOGNIZE that the purpose of athletics is to promote the physical, mental, social, and emotional well-being of the individual players
TO REMEMBER that the athletic contest is only a game and should be kept in that perspective