Hicksville Public Schools offers a wide range of secondary school extracurricular activities and athletic programs that are designed to foster the social, emotional and cognitive development of adolescents. All students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities and/or athletic programs. Students are expected to perform well in their academic programs in order to participate in extracurricular activities and athletic programs. Any student who is failing two (2) or more subjects will not be permitted to participate except under direct academic probation and supervision.
1. A list of students failing two or more subjects will be prepared by grade level at the middle and end of each marking period. At the end of the year, this list will be prepared based on the final grade. This end-of-year list will be updated when summer school results are received. Students and parents will be notified in writing that they have been placed on probation and informed of their responsibilities in order to participate in extracurricular activities or sports programs.
2. A list of students failing one or more subjects will be prepared by grade level at the middle and end of each marking period. At the end of the year, this list will be prepared based on the final grade. This end-of-year list will be updated when summer school results are received. Students and parents will be notified in writing that they are in jeopardy of being placed on probation should they fail two or more subjects.
3. The principal will ensure that every extracurricular activity advisor and coach receives a copy of the list each marking period and that lists are posted in each of the department offices. Middle-of-the-marking-period lists are provided so that coaches, advisors, and teachers may warn students of the consequences should grades not improve.
5. A computerized list of student who are required to attend extra help and the subjects in which they need assistance will be made available to each teacher by the principal.
6. A daily attendance record will be maintained by the teachers providing extra help and made available to advisors and coaches.
7. Absence from the required extra help session(s) will result in immediate ineligibility, with no chance of reinstatement until the end of the five weeks. Students are required to notify the advisor or coach of any extra help scheduling conflicts.
8. At the end of the five-week period, a student who is on probation will be removed from probation if he or she receives a progress report indicating that they are not failing two or more subjects.
9. If at the end of the five-week period, there has been no improvement and/or the student has two or more failing grades, the student becomes immediately ineligible for the remainder of the marking period. Students would be expected to continue to attend extra help to ensure eligibility for the next marking period.
10. The principal or a designee will give written notice of the student's removal from probationary status to the appropriate advisors and coaches as well as to parents.
11. In the event that a student does not meet the requirements of probation and is declared ineligible, he or she may not be reinstated until five weeks from the end of the previous marking period.