Career Planning
Career planning is an important part of a student's educational experience. Students are encouraged to meet with their counselor to discuss career planning and to engage in career exploratory activities. A student who has knowledge of the world of work and a career to strive for, can make the most of their school experience. They will be able to customize their courseload, particularly in high school, to best assist them in attaining their career goals after high school graduation.
Naviance Family Connection
Naviance Family Connection is a comprehensive web-site that middle school students and their parents can access from home. Once a year, all middle school students will engage in career exploration activities in their Home and Careers classes. Along with their guidance counselor, they will be able to assess their individual skills and identify careers of interest utilizing Naviance. These activities include creating an individual career plan by navigating and completing a Career Cluster Finder survey. Each student will complete a culminating grade level career exploration assignment. This web-based planning and advising system is an extremely helpful tool that will assist students towards college and career readiness.